The Oceania Customs Organisation (OCO) in collaboration with the Vanuatu Department of Customs & Inland Revenue (DCIR) organized a Regional PACER Plus Transparency Provision Workshop in Port Vila, Vanuatu from the 22-24 July, 2019. The workshop was opened by Mr....
(Excerpt: The Guardian Article, The new drug highway: Pacific Islands at center of cocaine trafficking boom, dated 24 June 2019) It is the drug route you’ve never heard of: a multi billion-dollar operation involving cocaine and methamphetamine being packed into the...
The 21st Oceania Customs Organisation (OCO) annual conference commenced on 13th May, 2019 in Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas (CNMI), hosted by the CNMI Customs division with the theme “A united Pacific working towards a common solution”. The conference...
OCO in partnership with the USPTO had 4 of its members attend an Asia Regional Workshop on Enforcement Against Trade in Counterfeit Food, Beverages, Cosmetics, and Fast Moving Consumer Goods, which was held on April 2-5, 2019, in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and was...
On the morning of February 26 2019, the Acting Governor Arnold I. Palacios touched base with the Oceania Customs Organisation Secretariat. Acting Governor Palacios met with Roy Lagolago, Head of Secretariat and Kalei Billings-Dugu, Human Resource & Logistics...
Under the PACER Plus Project Readiness Package, the OCO organized National PACER Plus Rules of Origin (ROO) Workshop in Samoa and Tonga on 6-7 December and 10-11 December respectively. The workshops were facilitated by two pre-accredited PACER Plus ROO Trainers Samoa...