The OCO organized the PACER Plus ROO Workshop in Kiribati on 12-13 March 2019 facilitated by two pre-accredited PACER Plus ROO Trainers from Kiribati Customs. The national workshop was the final part of the pre-accredited trainer’s assessment for qualification as an...
More than 15 personnel from various law enforcement agencies, the Tax Department and Senior officials from the ANZ Bank underwent a National Workshop on Financial Crime in Kiribati from 17 to 21 February 2019. The training was conducted by OCO in collaboration with...
The OCO in partnership with NZ Customs, PICP, NZ Police, APG, JIATF West and Strategika Group conducted a 5-day Sub-Regional training on Financial Crime at the NZ Customs Training Center in Auckland, New Zealand from 10 to 14 December 2018. The Training saw 12...
The OCO in partnership with PICP and NZ Police conducted a 5-day Training on Financial Crime in Rarotonga, Cook Islands from 01 to 08 December 2018. The Training is part of the Declaration of Partnership that the PICP, OCO and PIDC are party to. The three Regional...
Greetings and Bula Vinaka! Please be advised that the World Customs Organisation (WCO) have issued the latest edition of the WCO News magazine on 27 February 2019: As you will see, the magazine is now available in digital...
Under the PACER Plus Project Readiness Package, the OCO organized the PACER Plus Rules of Origin (ROO) Workshop in Nauru on 18-19 February 2019. The workshop was facilitated by the Nauru pre-accredited PACER Plus ROO Trainer. During the Workshop, the participants...