The Workshop on Rules of Origin (ROO) for the Fiji Revenue and Customs Services officials was held on 5-6 February, 2019 at the WCO Regional Training Centre, Suva, Fiji. The Workshop was co-facilitated by local pre-accredited ROO Trainer and the Oceania Customs...
The Regional Workshop on Transposition of PACER Plus Tariff Schedules and Products Specific Rules (PSR) from HS 2012-HS 2017 was held at the Tanoa International Dateline Hotel, Tonga on 21-24 January, 2019. The Workshop was conducted by OCO Consultants and Secretariat...
The OCO member representatives and Secretariat joined the Tonga Revenue and Customs Service and their stakeholders in celebrating International Customs Day on 25th January, 2019 in Tongatapu. The theme of the celebrations was consistent with that of the WCO “SMART...
As part of the ongoing assistance to strengthen the effective implementation of the Harmonised System (HS) 2017 for PACER Plus signatory countries, the OCO organized HS training in member countries. In the past year, the OCO had assisted the nine countries to...
The National PACER Plus Rules of Origin (ROO) Workshop was held from 22-23 November, 2018 in Honiara, Solomon Islands. The national workshop was supported by OCO with the funding from the PACER Plus Readiness Package. The workshop was facilitated by two Solomon...
The OCO in partnership with the Centre for Customs and Excise Studies, Charles Sturt University (CCES) and the Vanuatu Customs and Inland Revenue Department (VCIR) organized a PACER Plus Rules of Origin (ROO) Workshop from 19-20 November, 2018 in Port Vila, Vanuatu....