The Regional Workshop on Customs Intelligence & Data Analysis using CENComm and other applications was held at WCO Regional Training Centre at the Fiji Revenue & Customs Services from Monday 20th November to Friday 24th November, 2017. The Workshop was...
The OCO attended the WHO Meeting in Manila on Accelerating the Raising of Tobacco Taxes and the Ratification of the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products in the Western Pacific. The meeting was attended by 36 Participants from 20 different countries....
More than 60 personnel from various law enforcement agencies underwent a five-day National Workshop on Financial Crime. The Training was organized by OCO in collaboration with its key law enforcement partners in CNMI, that ran from the 13th – 17th November 2017. The...
As part of its capacity building on one of its strategic priorities, Customs Leadership, the OCO in partnership with the World Customs Organization (WCO), organized a Leadership and Management Development (LMD) Workshop from 28 November to 8th December, 2017 in Nadi,...
The Guam Customs and Quarantine Agency (CQA) in partnership with the Oceania Customs Organisation (OCO) organized a National Workshop on the Revised Kyoto Convention on 18-22 September 2017 in Guam. Accession to and compliance with the RKC is one of the strategic...
From 11-15 September 2017 the OCO delivered a National Workshop on the Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures (as amended), known as the Revised Kyoto Convention (RKC), in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). The...